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Segment One: 01. ImJudas - I Love You - I Love You EP 02. GenCAB - The Badge - Signature Flaws (Out Oct 20) 03. Ashbury Heights - Ghosts Electric - Ghosts Electric EP 04. Gunship - Weaponised Love - Unicorn

Segment Two:

05. Mildreda - Friendly Fire - Blue​ Devilled (Out Dec 1)

06. Ad:Key - Two Souls (Martin Bodewell Mix) - Two Souls EP 07. Kalte Liebe - Traume Ohne Wert - Schall & Schweiss EP 08. Tevalik- Freakstreet (Antibody Mix) - Freakstreet EP

Segment Three: 09. Formato Negativo - Intoxicacion - Radioactivo 10. Slichtnacht - Destroyer Of Worlds (Chains Of Agony Mix) - Destroyer Of Worlds EP 11. Midian Dite - Vive Deliciosamente - Vive Deliciosamente 12. Rottn - Unbroken - Unbroken

Segment Four:

13. Chemical Sweet Kid - Down (Combichrist Mix) - Down EP 14. Dunkelsucht - Let Your Darkness Out - Let Your Darkness Out EP 15. Cantervice - The Masquerade - The Masquerade EP

16. Circle Of Dust - Descend (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) - Brainchild (Remixed)

Segment Five:

17. Supernova 1006 - How They Know - Chains 18. Bootblacks - Forbidden Flames - Forbidden Flames EP 19. Fearing - Gravity - Destroyer 20. Mind Wired Shut - Gloria My Darkness (Feat. Skylar Death) - Gloria My Darkness EP

Segment Six:

21. Mind.In.A.Box - Fire And Lace - Shades Of Gray EP 22. Grabyourface - Guillotine - Haine X Guillotine EP 23. Allicorn - Dissapear - Arcana 24. Victoria Varth - Infinite - Paralisis EP


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